Most coaches will say that defense wins championships and defense is all about body position and footwork.
Here are some defensive drills we did in practice that helped us do better in our games.
The first important defensive fundamental to teach players is the proper stance. The feet should be staggered with one foot slightly ahead of the other foot and they should be about shoulder length apart. The knees are bent and the thighs at a 45 degree angle to the floor.
In this video Coach Knapp shows Sol the proper stance.
In this video Coach is showing us the defensive positions of the shell drill, which includes on the ball, first pass, and the help side.
Taking a charge
In this video the defender plants his feet and doesn't move as the offensive player runs into him. He just falls back. Notice how he makes a grunting sound as he falls. If done right, this results in a foul on the offensive team.
Boxing out
In this video the defensive player is turning his body around and putting himself between his man and the basket. This boxes out is opponent so he can get the rebound.
Defending against the pick and roll
Watch closely how the defender defending the person setting the pick hedges to the the ball to stall the ball handler and even manages to get a steal. If you don't get the steal the hedge gives the opportunity for the other defender to recover from the pick.