Fundamentals should be the main focus of practices, even as high as 80% for youth programs.
Ball Handling- Correct dribbling begins with how to handle the ball. Hold the ball with your fingertips and your fingers spread apart. Put your hand on top of the ball and don't slap it. Keep the ball low and your body between the ball and your opponent. Practice keeping your head up and not on the ball.
Passing- The different passes are the chest pass and bounce pass. There are others, but these are the basic ones that should be focused on. When passing the ball a player should step towards the player they are throwing to and the receiver should likewise step towards the player throwing the ball. The ball should have a backspin just like when you are shooting
Shooting- Players should stand in one spot and take at least 15 shots, then move back a little and take 15 more shots. The team can practice lay ups and foul shots by forming lines and taking turns.
Here is an example of a drill that has both passing and shooting.